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What To Know About Workers' Compensation And Your Medical Benefits

Those hurt on the job can expect their medical treatment to be covered by their employer's workers' compensation insurance. Though the rules can differ from place to place, the below information covers some general facts about medical benefits after a work injury. 

Coverage of Medical Treatment

Workers' compensation typically covers necessary and reasonable medical treatment related to a work injury. This includes doctor visits, hospitalization, surgery, medication, physical therapy, medical equipment, and other forms of healthcare required for the injured worker's recovery.

Authorized Medical Providers

Workers' compensation laws often specify a list of authorized medical providers or a designated network of healthcare professionals. In some cases, injured workers may be required to receive treatment from a healthcare provider approved by the employer or the workers' compensation insurance carrier. Deviating from these authorized providers may affect the coverage of medical expenses.

Medical Evaluation and Diagnosis

Injured workers may undergo medical evaluations, tests, and consultations with healthcare professionals to determine the extent of their injury, establish a diagnosis, and develop an appropriate treatment plan. These evaluations help determine the medical necessity of treatment and guide the overall course of care.

Continuation of Treatment

Workers' compensation generally covers the reasonable and necessary medical treatment throughout the injured worker's recovery process. The duration and extent of coverage depend on the nature and severity of the injury. Treatment may include follow-up visits, physical therapy sessions, rehabilitation services, and any ongoing medical care required to improve the worker's condition.

Specialist Referrals

If the nature of the work injury requires specialized medical care, such as seeing a specialist, workers' compensation may cover the cost of those consultations and treatments. This could involve visits to orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, chiropractors, or other medical specialists relevant to the specific injury. If you need such care and have been denied it or the insurer is processing your request slowly, speak to a workers' compensation lawyer for help. In some cases, some correspondence from such a lawyer will get your referral back on track,

Medical Travel Expenses

In some cases, workers' compensation may cover reasonable and necessary travel expenses related to medical treatment, such as mileage reimbursement or transportation costs to and from medical appointments.

It's advisable for injured workers to consult with an attorney specializing in workers' compensation to understand the specific benefits and limitations. Hurt workers have rights, and a workers' comp lawyer can help people to understand and take advantage of them. 

Contact a workers' comp attorney to learn more.
