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Injured While Visiting A Carnival? Know What To Do

When you visit a carnival and pay to ride on the attractions that they provide, you run the risk of getting injured because of negligence or a ride malfunction. If this happens, you'll have to take action to make sure you are compensated for your losses. This can include lost wages and medical bills. If you fail to handle your injury properly, it could be problematic when trying to prove how that injury happened and the extent of your injuries when seeking compensation later on. Make sure you follow these steps if you are injured at a local carnival.

Gather Important Information

Carnivals tend to move from one town to the next, so you should try to get as much information as possible before the carnival packs up and moves to the next town. You'll want to get the contact info for the company that is running the carnival, as well as names of employees directly involved with your injury.

It's common for carnival ride operators to switch between multiple rides, so get an accurate description of who was operating the ride at the time. It even helps to use your smart phone to take a photo of the employee. If there is any defective equipment that you notice, take a picture of that as well. The more evidence that you have will help make for a better personal injury case.

Keep in mind that the headquarters for a carnival might be located in another state than where you got hurt. A lawyer can help you navigate the different state laws when seeking compensation from a company run out of a different state.

Get Medical Attention

It's important to get medical help right when the injury happens. Waiting too long to treat an injury can make it seem like it wasn't that bad, and does not justify a lawsuit to seek compensation.

You'll want to get medical documentation about your injury to prove that it caused the damages you are seeking compensation for. This can include mobility limitations that make you unable to go to work, and lost wages as a result. Failing to go to your doctor for follow up visits or not getting prescriptions filled can make it appear that you are doing better. Make sure to keep up with all scheduled appointments.

For more information on handling your personal injury claim, work with a lawyer that can guide you through the entire process to help you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact a business, such as Smith & O'Hare PS Inc, for more information.   
